Sunday, September 8, 2019

Changing Your Perspective

These are cards that were going to be made for our card night, but when I first started them, I couldn't get past the offset and popped letters. I don't usually glue anything down until I am happy with it, but I had glued down the letters of the top card, and nothing I did looked right after that. I considered the idea a dud, felt like my creativity for the week had gone on vacation, and I set the two cards aside, not sure whether to try to salvage them later or put them in the trash.

I cleaned up most of the card making mess in my craft room yesterday, but these two unfinished and unloved cards were still sitting on my table. I was ready to toss them this morning. Then, another idea occurred to me, a simple one, but I went with it, and the cards were salvaged. I do wish that I had inked the letters and edges of the top card before gluing down the letters. I was afraid I would really ruin it if I tried to ink everything after the fact. I did ink the letters and edges for the second one since nothing had been glued down yet on that one. The inking on the edges looks better to me and shows the dimension more.

Sometimes you just have to step away for a bit when a project isn't going right, and try again later when you can look at it with a fresh perspective.

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