Tuesday, December 18, 2018

No Soliciting Sign

I've been intending to make a No Soliciting sign for ages. Some really obnoxious solicitors got me to finally do it.  The sign is a combination of a few Silhouette Design Store cutting files, and some of my own creation, to suit my personality.

Christmas Tiles

In Relief Society (the women's group at Church) we added the above vinyl designs onto boards. They had shown the project in our Sunday church meetings. I basically measured the board, went and bought a tile the right size, and took that with me the night we made them. I didn't want a painted board. I was very happy with the results.

Then I went home and searched among the cutting files that I had bought, and I found the same nativity cutting file, minus the phrase. I found another cutting file with the same phrase, but in a different font.

My husband and I went to see my daughter, my youngest son, and their spouses. While there, I used my daughter's cutter, my husband's laptop, and the nativity file on a flash drive and made a few tiles for family.

I decided that I didn't want the smaller stars to have just 4 points, so I took the center of the large star and duplicated it. I liked the final result better than the original. Apparently I did not take a picture before I flew home. I had to ask my daughter to send me a photo. It's not taken quite straight on, but you can still see the differences a bit.
