Friday, September 20, 2024

Most Recent Card Made with an Embellishment Cluster

I have made simple clusters, with only 3 or 4 items, and some with more items in a cluster. I've made some cards with the clusters that I've made, and some are still waiting to be added to a card.

Today, I planned both the cluster and the card base together. It's a simple card and simple cluster. It shouldn't have taken me as long as it did, but it was challenging finding the right papers and embellishments because I am trying to use only leftover scraps and leftover/unused ephemera.

To Swap or Not to Swap, That is the Question...

As I mentioned in at least one previous post, designing and making items for the swaps on the Ginger's Corner Facebook Group have been theraputic for me. However, participating in the swaps hasn't exactly helped me accomplish my own personal crafting goals. I also have mixed feelings about swaps, mostly due to an experience that I had several years ago.

This was a swap group where we had 7 people creating 7 items for a teaching kit each month. We took turns as to what each person's assignment would be. I am skilled at creating/designing games, which was the reason they accepted me into the swap group, but creating a game every month was a lot more work than most of the other assignments, so everyone ended up taking a turn for the different categories, and I created a game every 7th month. One month, I actually provided 3 different games. I am an overachiever sometimes.

Over time, one of the other gals and I started to get more than a little frustrated. When 1/3 of a group do their best, 1/3 do a decent job, and the remaining 1/3 do the least they can get by with or leave theirs till the last minute and turn in something quick just to get it done, then those who create something really nice feel that the situation is unfair.

It seems to be a common scenario for various kinds of swaps. Sometimes on Ginger's Corner, there are some great creations. However, not everyone has access to a large stash of stamps, dies, etc., and some things are obviously hand drawn, hand cut. And there are some who are very unpredictable. One month they do something really nice, and another month, they just die cut some shapes and call it good.

The rules require at least two layers, so throwing in a bunch of die cuts is kind of frustrating to someone who created something really nice. Newbies who are just learning how the swaps work are assigned to a Captain who gives them guidance in a very kind, tactful way. I just graduated from the newbies group recently.

However, there are also times when it is obvious that a person has been there awhile, has done some nice things previously, but then just does the bare minimum for some reason (or even less than the bare minimum).

When the latter happens, it's kind of hard to want to keep swapping. My first swaps were probably mostly other beginners like me, and most of the items that I got back were not something I'd use. I recently got back the most recent swap I participated in. One swap item was very cute. The others were fine, with one being a slight disappointment. I can't see myself ever using it on a project, but it did show a decent amount of effort. I have made my projects for two more swaps. After that, I don't know if I will keep swapping. It's fun to make the swap items, but it has also sometimes been a disappointment in what I receive back.
